Monday 5 December 2011


Good day all, and welcome to this, my first post. I had a blog called 'knit and knack' before, but because I was so terrible at updating it, I have decided to start again.

So, I like making crafty things. In the last year or so I have been working on my crochet and sewing skills. I am currently trying to develop what a USP would be, and I would really like to open an Etsy shop when I have items to sell.

Craft is a lovely way to unwind from the stresses of teaching and PhD research. It's also a great feeling when you make something for someone and they really like it.

So, to close, here are some pictures of things that I have made previously. I will do my very best to update this blog regularly, and show what I am working on.

A birthday card for my Mum.
Crocheted totoro for Tash.
Trying out a felt totoro to make into a brooch.
Christmas sewing practice.

Seasons Greetings!

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